Are you looking for the best base recipes to create your own marijuana-infused edibles and drinkables? Look no further! Here are 7 base recipes that will surely make you a marijuana and CBD cooking pro. These recipes are easy to make and can be used as a base for other snazzy recipes.
If you want to learn how to grow your own CBD and marijuana to help supply you for making delicious recipes or other recipes which we will be posting soon, then make sure to check out our 8 simple steps to growing marijuana or our step by step weed and CBD grow guide.
Be sure to check us out on Instagram for user submitted grows, as well as, our very own grows!

Weed Milk Recipe
One of the easiest recipes you can make is weed milk. To make this recipe, you will need 7-10 grams of cannabis buds and 2 cups of Canna milk.

Here are the steps:
- Preheat the oven to 220 degrees Fahrenheit.
- Chop up the cannabis buds with a marijuana grinder or scissors.
- Spread the cannabis powder out on a parchment-lined baking sheet or pan.
- De-char the bud pieces by baking them in the oven for 20–25 minutes.
- Preheat a large pot over high heat and add the decarboxylated marijuana.
- Now pour in the milk and monitor the temperature with a thermometer until it reaches 220°F.
- Once it hits 220°F, hold it there for 45 minutes, trying not to go above 220°F, which would scald the milk, or below 220°F, which wouldn’t properly extract the cannabinoids.
- When the infusion is complete, remove the pot from the heat and allow the CannaMilk to cool to a safe temperature for handling.
- Pour the cannabis milk through a fine mesh strainer.
Cannabis or CBD Butter Recipe
Another great base recipe is cannabis or CBD butter. Here are two different ways to make this recipe:

Method 1:
- ½ cup coconut oil
- 1/4-ounce cannabis buds, ground
- Makes: 1/2 cup
- In a saucepan, heat the coconut oil over low heat.
- Stir in the ground buds and cook over low heat for 45 minutes, stirring regularly.
- Strain into a glass bowl.
- Remove and discard plant matter.
Method 2:
- 1 ounce of cannabis flower before decarb
- 16 ounces coconut oil, olive oil, or your favorite oil
- 1 teaspoon liquid sunflower lecithin
- Preheat the oven to 240°F and decarboxylate the cannabis flower for 40 minutes.
- In a slow cooker, create a double boiler by filling it halfway with boiling water and covering the tops of the mason jars.
- Divide the coconut oil evenly in the mason jars.
- Distribute the decarboxylated flower evenly among the glasses filled with coconut oil.
- Place the jars in the water bath once it reaches a temperature of 185°F.
- Leave for 4 hours.
- Once the cannabis oil has cooled, strain the plant debris from the coconut oil using filter paper or cheesecloth. Remove and discard the plants.
CBD and Weed Oil Recipe
If you want to make CBD or weed oil, here’s a simple recipe you can try:

- 3.5 grams of cannabis
- 2 cups of coconut oil
- Preheat the oven to 240°F and decarboxylate the cannabis flower for 40 minutes.
- Place a clean kitchen towel on the bottom of the slow cooker to create a barrier between your mason jars and the slow cooker.
- Prepare a double boiler by filling your slow cooker halfway with boiling water and covering the tops of the mason jars.
- Divide the coconut oil evenly in the mason jars.
- Distribute the decarboxylated flower evenly among the glasses filled with coconut oil.
- Place the jars in the water bath once it reaches a temperature of 185°F.
- Leave for 4 hours.
- Once the cannabis oil has cooled, strain the plant debris from the coconut oil using filter paper or cheesecloth. Remove and discard the plants.
- Optional: you can skip all of these steps by using a device like the Levo. Simply place your herb in the herb pod, add oil, and infuse into the oil of your choosing.
- Makes: 2 cups
Marijuana Sugar Recipe
Want to add a little sweetness to your cannabis-infused treats? Try this marijuana sugar recipe:

- 1 cup cannabis alcohol tincture
- 2 cups white sugar
- Sprinkle the white sugar in a casserole dish.
- Sprinkle the white sugar with the cannabis tincture.
- Using a rubber spatula, mix the sugar and tincture, making sure all of the sugar is coated.
- Air-dry the casserole dish in a safe place. Wait for 48 to 72 hours for the mixture to dry, stirring frequently.
- When all the alcohol has evaporated and the mixture looks like dry sugar again, your sugar is ready.
Cannabis and CBD Yogurt Recipe
Here’s a recipe for cannabis or CBD-infused yogurt that’s perfect for breakfast or as a snack:

- 4 cups of milk
- 2 cups of yogurt
- 1 packet of yogurt starter
- 3-5 grams of decarboxylated cannabis
- Break the decarboxylated cannabis into small pieces.
- Fill a water bath and set it aside.
- Add de-fused cannabis and milk.
- Heat over medium-high heat, stirring frequently, until temperature reaches 175-180°F. Reduce heat to low and hold there for 30 minutes, stirring regularly.
- Turn off the water bath and place it in a sink filled with a few inches of cold water. Stir frequently until the temperature drops between 108 and 112 degrees F.
- Filter the mixture into the yogurt maker’s incubation container.
- In a small container, pour a few teaspoons of milk. Add a packet of yogurt to the mixture. This mixture should be whipped into the milk.
- Place the yogurt brewing container with the lid in the yogurt maker. Set the timer according to the Directions: on the yogurt package, which is typically 4 to 6 hours.
- After the culture phase, the yogurt should be cooled sufficiently by storing it in the refrigerator for up to 6 hours.
- To start straining, line a colander with cheesecloth and place it over a bowl.
- To separate the whey, pour the chilled yogurt through the cheesecloth/strainer and refrigerate for 24 hours.
- Place the strained cannabis yogurt at the bottom of the fruit in a glass.
- Pour the whey into a glass.
- Makes: 5 servings
Cannabis or CBD Tincture Recipe
Looking for a quick and easy way to make a cannabis or CBD tincture? Here’s a recipe you can try:

- 14 grams of decarboxylated cannabis flowers
- 8 ounces grain alcohol
- Place the decarboxylated cannabis flower in the bottom of a small mason jar.
- Spray enough alcohol on the cannabis flower to completely wet the plant.
- Shake the bottle.
- Store the steeping jar in a cool, dark place for 24 hours.
- After 24 hours, strain the cannabis tincture into a clean mason jar using cheesecloth.
Cannabis and CBD Honey Recipe
Last but not least, here’s a recipe for cannabis or CBD honey that’s perfect for adding to tea or spreading on toast:

- 1 cup creamy honey
- 1 tablespoon liquid coconut oil
- 1 tablespoon sunflower lecithin
- cannabis
- flavored oil
- Makes: 16 tablespoons
- Decarboxylate the dried cannabis flowers and then grind them into a fine powder.
- Blend coconut oil, sunflower lecithin, cannabis, and flavoring until smooth and lump-free.
- Mix the honey into the combination of oil, lecithin, and cannabis.
- Combine the Ingredients: in a mixing bowl and cream until smooth and well blended.
- Fill a jar halfway with cannabis honey.
- Makes: 16 tablespoons
To wrap up, these 7 base marijuana and CBD cooking recipes are a great starting point for creating your own edibles, tinctures, and more. Remember to always start with small doses and be mindful of the potency of your homemade cannabis products. Enjoy experimenting and have fun creating your own delicious marijuana-infused treats!